Friday, August 27, 2021


Back in an old day when I felt unmotivated in anything. I thought I was a bad mom because I never made some kind of #montessoriathome for my children. Furthermore, I thought that I was an awful wife because I need my husband to help me do laundry or dishes, and I felt that I was brainless because I couldn't be like my friends who succeeded in their careers — I got frustrated. I wanted everything in my hands, but I couldn't because I am a mom with a thousand sleepless nights. 

"Am I doing good? Am I enough? Can I make them proud? Can I get all that I want? Why can't I be like them? yada yada and so on and so on" Those kinds of things were running around my head. That was tiring and draining my emotions.

Then I tried to stop and asked my inner self what I wanted in my life.

all I want is

a peaceful life.

Nevertheless, I am thankful, since that day, I've been trying to develop myself to be a better me as a person, as Iyas, not as a mom, wife, or employee. Moreover, I've learned something new, such as join to some communities and take some courses. From that, I met some new friends. I got some opportunities — making a podcast, being social media admin, and mentoring some interns at a well-known children's library— those trusts of responsibility lifted up my confidence. Likewise, My 24h friends patiently listen to all of my restlessness, my families, especially my husband, and the girls who love me unconditionally.

Thank you, guys; it means a lot to me.

You know who you are. 

Today, I am celebrating my five years journey as a mom. Thank you, Iyas, for making it through all of this. You are good and loved.

And Happy birthday to my Queens!

All hail the Queens.

P.S: Being a mom is not a piece of cake; you can't climb five top mountains at the same time. Thus, make your choice wisely. Stay insane!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Little Update about my IELTS

collaboration with my youngest daughter

Finally, I have been joining IELTS course for almost 2 months to prepare my official IELTS test. So far so good even I still got overall band in 5,5 in my mid test, sad. I am thankful that I got a nice teacher who help me understanding IELTS material. She also always give me various youtube channels or website to learn english.

I will apply for master degree in some universities in Sweden next December and Swedish Institute Scholarship in Global Professionals in February 2022. I hope everything will be well. I have to prepare some portfolios in design and essays. Huhuhu *crossing fingers.

Actually, I never tell anyone except my husband and my close friends about my plan that going to pursue my postgraduate because I lil bit worry, they will say i am halu, lol. 
However, I still share it in my blog. I think there is none who still read my blog.

OK, wish me luck.

PS: today i got 29/40 for my reading test, I mean my weekly review. I think it's possible for me to get more than band 7 for reading, AAMIIN 😭😭😭